
Showing posts from August, 2024

August 16th / 2024 - Home Musing - What Happens When Rick is Bored

I'm awake any where from 19 to 21 hours per day 7 days a week.  What do I do to keep my mind busy? It's not easy, but here is where my mind wonders on home, ideas and odd research that makes me go huh? Let's start at home... Data Entry and My Wife - Why do I need to hear these Rants? My wife decided to show me a spreadsheet (only took her 3 years to show me this!) that she uses to keep her financials for her business organized. It has a sheet for every month and a summary one as well making a total of 13 sheets.  Each sheet has checks and balances and a long list of categories each within it's own column. If you add a new category then you have to add a new column and change the few hundred formulae that total up the columns.   To make matters even worst, when she enters the data she needs to scroll all over the sheet left and right a to possibly all the way to CJ just to make a single entry.  She paid a Registered Chartered Accounting Firm $1,000.00 for the spr...

August 2024 - Life on Chemothearpy

It's been a while since my last blog post and it's about time I get you caught up on the latest.  I'm seriously arguing with Me, Myself and I, about posting YouTube videos instead of writing these long winded posts. Then I remind Myself , what do you know about video editing? Nothing! At some point I'll give it a try, but, who really wants to watch a video of me talking? lol. Chemotherapy Progress : Okay, back to the update.  As you may know I'm on an aggressive tri-thearpy treatment called ADT which involves Lupron-Depot, Docetaxel and Darloutamide.  ADT - androgen-deprivation therapy remains the principal treatment for patients with locally advanced and metastatic disease. Although a majority of patients initially respond to ADT, most after approximately 2 to 3 years will eventually develop castrate resistance cancer according to many of the research papers I have read.  The whole point in my case is to slow down the spread of the cancer - hopefully kill it off a...