April 15th - April 21st / 2024 - Lack of Primary Care Physicians

 In this post I write about:

  • My Letter to Government
  • Lab Testing, Reports and Cravings
  • Audio Link can be found here: Click to Listen

A Health System in Decline - Healthcare Crisis in New Brunswick

As a resident of New Brunswick and in need of a family physician for monitoring my critical illness I decided to standup and speak out about the doctor crisis we have in New Brunswick.  According to the Department of Health in 2022, there were 74,000+ residences looking for a family doctor.  But in 2023 the Department of Health stated that that number had fallen to 59,000. Anyway you consider those numbers, it is unacceptable!  If you do have a doctor, how quickly can you get in to see them? Might be weeks - right?!  Turn to a nurse practitioner and yes, they can help to a certain extent as the tests they can order are limited.  

When was the last time you saw a doctor in person?  My generation it was standard practice to get a physical exam once a year to review any signs of illness / disease which might be missed otherwise.  Hmm.. sound familiar?  If you are a 50+ male or have a family history of Cancer, get your PSA level checked at least twice! It could save your life or at least extend it tremendously if caught early.

Rick, What did you do? I wrote this letter (see below) and emailed it off to our government officials this morning. 

Lab Testing, Reports and Cravings

Continuing on from my last post I spoke of blood test results for genetic markers.  I'm still waiting for those results so I don't have anything to report on that front, hopefully next week I'll have them and know what the next level of treatment is going to be.  Stay tuned!  

I met with my retiring doctor and got a bunch of medical paper work from her.  I reviewed it and some of it was a surprise! Apparently I have Fibromyalgia.  This is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals. There is no cure for it.  It seems to me that this uncurable cancer that I have brings in other conditions that I was not aware of.  This partially explains the pain and sleep issues I have along with my primary diagnosis contributing to all of it.  Just wonderful! I bet my wife can't wait for the mood swings!  I'll get her back for going through menopause. Ha! :)

This week I have had an odd craving for chocolate pudding made with dairy milk.  I haven't had pudding for I don't know when and I haven't had dairy milk in decades! I like almond milk.  I don't why I have this craving, perhaps it's because my body wants calcium or magnesium.  I find it odd and funny at the same time and currently love eating the pudding right out of the large bowl I made it in to begin with! 

Donations to My Go Fund Me Page

To those of you who have donated, I am incredibly thankful for your generous donations.

Honestly, your help means the world to me - you've made it possible for me to get treatment for my Advanced Level 4 Cancer that I really couldn't afford on my own. You've done more than just help me out financially, you've genuinely lifted my spirits given me hope and the opportunity to fight this disease through continuing research of cutting edge clinical trials and talking about it with others to not only help me, but to also help champion on those that would otherwise be left alone in their thoughts.

Your help isn't just going to my treatment - it's providing comfort, healing and a reinforced belief in the goodness of people during what's been a really trying time. I don't have the words to fully explain just how grateful I am, but please know that I really appreciate everything you've done.

The past 3 months has been like living on a rollercoaster lately, but you've made the ride a lot smoother. I hope that life is treating you kindly, and that you're filled with as much goodwill as you've given me.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything. You've made a really big difference in my life, and for that I'm forever grateful.

You can find my Go Fund Me page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/missedallsigns